Sunday 27 March 2011

First Things First



    Hello and welcome to my thoughts. I have always had a opinion however have always had a problem in expressing it. Those who know me would tell you the same thing. I have had those close to me read some of what I have written, so that they could give me feed back. It worked, the best feed back was. Who wrote that for you? It doesn’t sound like you. That I take as a compliment. I know its doesn’t sound like me, if it did you wouldn’t read it. This is a way I can get my message a crossed to everyone without getting upset and side tracked. If you don’t agree with my point of view stop reading, But do come back and try a different post. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me it would be a boring world if you did. That being said. What I think, is what I think. I make no apologizes for it as this is my opinion. I believe you have the right to your opinion as well. I do not mean to offend anyone. If you want to challenge me on something great if I am wrong I can live with it. Just keep in mind I do research what I write about.

    I plan to write about, what I want to write about that day. I can tell you there will be some politics. Just because politics interests me. I love to watch some blow hard flat out lie and watch as people eat it up. In this day and age the truth is at your finger tips. My political views are all over the place if you ask me. I am right of center for the most part, but I don’t care if gay people want to get married. Don’t fret to much about it if they are like everyone else they to will be divorced in five years anyway. I will do some writing about hockey I am sure, but not right away. I am a Sens fan and they are doing their Leafs impression so I will hold off till at least the draft. I have plans to a blog about what recovering from a head injury is really like as I have first hand experience with this and there is so much more to it then you know. It is a very difficult thing for those around the recovering person, and much worse for the person going thought it. I find hearing Marc Savard talking about his problems very interesting. I can read between the lines unlike the rest of you. If you know someone going thought this, be patient they are going through a hell you cant imagine. They will get through it in time. The most important thing is they never give up and they have to push themselves to get better. You can’t push them! For the loved ones taking the brunt of the back lash don’t take it to heart they don’t mean it and wont remember doing. I will get to work on this post soon as I am starting to write it here and now. These are the most important points I can give you.

    I would also like you to suggest topics. If don’t have the time to research it maybe I can do it for you. I am a information junkie, ( stop laughing it’s true ) I have my lap top at arms reach at all times. If some thing is on TV and I want to know more. I look it up. If some random thought pops into my head I research it. Watching the history channel is just futile I can never get through a half hour show. I have even missed MASH. Did you know that the show lasted almost four times as long as the Korean War. The War was fought for three years, the show lasted eleven. The Korean war was the first time helicopters were used to air lift troops to the Mash Units. The survival rate was amazing too, 97% chance of living once at the unit, that was in the 1950’s and a few miles form the front lines. That’s impressive.

    This really isn’t much of anything. I just wanted to give you a feel of what my intentions are and just say hello. So I will let you get back to whatever it is you should be doing. Thank you for your time. I hope to get your feed back in the future. Take care, you will hear form me soon.

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