Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Lets be realistic

    I was reading the paper and listening to the new in the background this evening. I read two stories of people being murdered, and I also picked up one murder story in the background. One of those murder victims was a young exotic dancer. This reminded of a story in the paper not to long ago. The story then was about a court case in I think, in The Ontario Supreme Court that challenges the Ontario prostitution laws sighting the dangers involved. I don’t know if the case is over or moved on to The Supreme Court of Canada? They said if the courts ruled the one way it would pave the way for legalized prostitution in Ontario. Then I hear Michael Ignatieff in the background talking about how they are against “ super jails” and against something about the jets and something else, I tuned him out sorry, I just don’t like the guy, he seems shifty, arrogant and pompous to me. Yes we know the Liberals idea of defense. If you missed it. The post is History Repeating. Now this all got me thinking. This is how my mind works, it takes two things seemingly not connected and mixes it all to gather and viola. Something to write about.

    Here is a, not so Conservative thought. The writing seems to be on the wall that legalized prostitution is coming so I am going to say it. Lets just excepted it and at least control it. Red light districts have worked elsewhere in the world. I am going on what people have told me about their experiences as tourists so take that with a grain of salt. There are studies to show  both it works, and doesn’t work. So that’s a dead end. I have been in about 90% of the major cities of the U.S and Canada. I can tell you that the drug and prostitution problems are everywhere and not going away. They are also not hidden away. So lets be realistic, this way isn’t working. So maybe we should try to at least corral the problem. This way needle exchanges and methadone clinics can be where they are needed. We can have regular testing for prostitutes who of course will need a license and will have protection. I would lean toward legalizing pot too. Again it is a major cost to fight and, we don’t seem we are getting anywhere. At the moment people are destroying property trying to hide their grow op’s. Costing millions in insurance claims and, we all know what happens when those guys lose money, we pay more. If we legalize it and I think most would agree it is going to happen anyway. We can tax it too. Something that has cost us billions to fight a losing battle. Can turn around and generate millions new revenue maybe even more. The money saved in police budgets can be put to better use like finding killers and fighting organized crime. Which will take a serious kick in the teeth when we take two major money makes from them. The rest can go to health care to clear our conscious. This would also take a lot of people out of the justice system therefore opening space in our over populated jails and maybe forgoing the need for some of these new jails. One more point on the jails thing. Mr. Ignatieff doesn’t want “ Super jails”. I have a question. Would you like say 500 little jails? Lets go all out and not put locks on the doors too! If we can’t find 50 communities willing to have jails with lots of locks. How will you find 500 communities willing to take jails without locks? Be realistic.

    After the Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan and subsequent cracked nuclear reactors and radiation leaks. People took to protesting the Nuclear Power Plant down the road from me at Darlington. I don’t understand this. First off, you should have paid attention in geography class. The Ring of Fire is more then a Johny Cash song. If I remember correctly this Ring of Fire is the Pacific Plate. It is home to most of the worlds Volcanoes and one of the most active areas in the world as far as seismic activity (earthquakes) go. I would think this would be key information before digging a big hole in the ground over or even close to the worlds most active fault lines. Mr. Alderson my grade nine geography teacher must have been a geniuses. Then to top it all off you put  what amounts to a nuclear bomb in the hole and hope for the best? You are sure this is wise? We here in Ontario are not in the same boat as Japan. There is however no less then five nuke plants in California. Guess nobody told them they are prone to earthquakes too. Sorry got off track a little. I wished I could ask the protesters what they would like us to do? Should we go back to coal burning hydro plants? I thought you didn’t like that idea the first time? We can’t put up windmills or solar fields as nobody wants those either. They are an eye sore everyone cries. I guess we could just abandon this whole pesky electricity thing. Just go back to candle light, hand pumping your water oh and the best is the good old out house. Yup the old out house, smells ever so pleasant in the summer and, you don’t want to know what it is like first thing in the morning, in January. I will tell you. You're awake after your visit!! If you stick around to read the paper you may find yourself stuck. Somehow I can see a someone finding something to complain about if we did that. So please oh righteous one. What shall we do?

    My point is we have come to a point where we have to be realistic, Sometimes we have to let go of old ways, and crave out new paths. There are times we need to stop and think things through. Pick the things we can fix and stop chancing our tail trying to fix the things we can’t. Maybe we are just taking the wrong approach. Maybe we need to refresh our thinking.

    I don’t care how you vote. I do hope you vote the way I do, doesn’t everyone. The most important thing is you take some time to think about who you are voting for and why you are voting for them. Because that’s the way I have always voted or all my friends/family are voting this way doesn’t seem like a good reason. Please be realistic. These are just examples and outside of the jails thing are not topics in this election, but you never know what could pop up. Oh and I don’t really know 100% how I feel about most of the topics I have talked about. Not yet and really don’t need to worry about them not today. Tomorrow could change, till then I can mull it over. I do know we need to rethink a few things and stop banging our heads off the wall, and do things that make a difference.

   Logic will get you form A to Z, imagination will get everywhere. Albert Einstein.

   Once again, Thank-you for your time. R. England

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