Tuesday 29 March 2011

I am confused?!

   What the heck is going on? I am confused…. Everything I thought I knew about the way the parties worked, doesn’t seem to be true anymore. The Liberals are for helping those in need. The Conservative are for big business and crime and punishment.  The NDP or Jack, well who knows. I have mentioned before. I am doing some upgrading and preparing for college. Its been a long time since I have been in a classroom, out side of my children’s classrooms of course. I didn’t need to prepare for that. I also had that head injury thing and have found counseling very helpful. For both of these I have taken advantage of the services at the John Howard Society here in town. I can walk there within ten minutes so it’s very convenient. I have become comfortable with my counselor Heather and the tutors and teachers there. Beth was the first teacher to go and left about a month and a half ago. Since Steve has stepped in and made up for the loss. He is also responsible for my new found fondness for writing so you can blame him for all your extra reading. Yesterday I found out my next appointment with Heather may be my last as the funding it no longer there. Today I find that Steve is gone next week!! You have to be joking, next week they will be sending a teacher from the John Howard in the next town, but guess what she is gone next month. It takes time to build trust with a counselor and for us older students our teachers as well. So how does this make scene. This is not very good management. So I called and spoke to the Executive Officer of John Howard Durham, something like that I kind of missed the title as I was shocked when I heard it. I thought I would get a answering machine to tell you the truth. I voiced my opinion and was apologized to and thanked for my concern. I was also told that funding had dried up form some charities, that to me is understandable as it has been a little lean for the last few years. I was also told that some funding had been cut from this office. So I looked up these offices and ministers. They where all Provincial offices. This is where I get confused. Ontario is in an election year as well as the Nation. In Ontario we have a Liberal Government. The Liberals are for helping people, but they cut funding to a organization that was helping me and many more. On the Federal side the Liberals and the rest of the coalition stop a budget aimed at helping people.

   Today was budget day in Ontario and the finance minister stood up and pat his party on the back for saving Ontario and Canada for that matter from the global depression pointing to the recovery of jobs in Ontario and how the U.S and Great Britain have not recovered even close to numbers as we here in Ontario and Canada have. If you are pointing out how much better off we are here in Canada then other nations, wouldn’t that be the Federal Government's work you are claiming as yours? Your Federal counter parts have stopped the Conservatives from helping the have nots of this Nation. The Minster went on to say they would spend more for Education promising new schools, but wait why did you cut the funding for adults learning programs and made it harder to for me to get the help I need, and stopped others from get any help at all? I think the Federal and Ontario Liberals should stop talking and have a little meeting. You are contradicting one another and if you keep going neither of you will be in power when the dust settles. After all the hard work the Federal Government did in the name of the Ontario Liberals. You don’t want your Federal friends to be promising to taxes the companies that are supplying the jobs you are pointing to. Why try to chase them out I don’t get it? I don’t think anyone is getting your vision here. You have change from your roots and keep flip flopping and saying what ever sounds good at the time. Now the Federal Liberals are promising to give money to you for post secondary education but the problem is the Conservatives have already done this a few years ago remember and you didn’t agree then. Now you promise to give less money then we would get in the current system. The big difference is the Conservative match you and the Liberals will just give you up to $1,500 per year of school up to $6000 if you qualify, if not its $1000 per year up to $4000. Most will not qualify for the higher amount as you will need a income under $20,000 per year. There are perimeters in the current system for that income level as well. If you put in five hundred dollars per year, Which is about $ 40.00 a month and the Conservatives match that over 15 years your child will have fifteen thousand for school that’s a lot better then $4000 isn’t it?

   I must say I am surprised to see that it is the Conservatives that have figured it out if you want to lead this country or just one of her wonderful Provinces or Territories. You can’t be a big C Conservative on all things or a big L Liberal or Jack Layton on everything either. You have to do what is good for us all, and be a true leader. So please stop the finger pointing and playing the blame game and get down to finding a way to do what is good for Canada her provinces, territories and most of all her people.

    Thank- you as always. R. England

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you ever tell me any of this? It may of helped me understand you more..
