Saturday 26 March 2011

History Repeating

History Repeating

So let me start by telling you, it has been a while since I have paid much attention to the news. I am not completely out of touch. I have heard about the disaster in Japan and the mess that has come to a head in northern Africa. The other night my show ended and before I could change the channel to Sports Center. The National news program started. You will not believe this! I was shocked and amazed to find the news. Was a repeat!!!?? I didn’t know they did this. I know it was a repeat of a 2008 program. The lead story was that of the Liberals, NDP and the Bloc forming a collision to block the federal Budget and force an Election. I remember how upset the population was. It was just one year after we elected the Conservative Government. What it seemed to boiled down to was the Liberals thought they had ran with the wrong leader and now wanted a do over.

The next day the news papers had a printing problem as they too, have reprinted the same articles from 2008. I read a little farther to find, now brace yourself, these same three parties have done it again! I am still baffled by this. I am also offended to say the least, Mr. New lib demi bloc. Do you really thing I forgot about the tamper tantrum you had a little over two years ago? Do you think the people of this Nation are so dense we can’t see that you are doing the same thing? This time you blocked a budget that highlights include more money for people on guaranteed income to help off set raising food prices. Oh and when you are pushing for more ethanol in fuel, you are going to drive the price of the food even higher. For those of you who have been under a rock. Ethanol is made from corn, and corn,, is in everything. Medication included. The people who were going to benefit the most from these hikes in their income. Would have been single seniors by $ 600 per year and senior couples $ 840 per year. Did you just say, you don’t think my grandmother deserves more money so she can afford to eat? I don’t know where, or by whom you were raised, but I can tell you where I come from, and the way I was raised, was to respect my elders that included my Grandparents.

Another big investment was to forgive up to $ 40,000 of student loads for doctors who settled in rural areas. This was an effort to bring more doctors the wonderful folks in the country who grow, raise and harvest our food. Are you telling Canadians, you don’t want to help the people who provide this essential service? For us forgetful, foolish, Canadian Citizens? Why do you insist on committing political suicide on national television? I do see your point. We don’t need the farmers of this nation. We can all just grow our own food in the postage stamp yards we have here in the cities. I hope my neighbors don’t mind the cows and chickens I will need to keep out in the backyard. The Conservatives also wanted to make it easier to get funding for the, “have not’s” to get a post secondary education, as you need a collage degree to sweep the floor in today job market. I can see how that would be a bad idea. I mean we can out source all the jobs to people from other countries. Right? That makes more sense. But wait. If we can’t afford collage and we can’t get work. Who is going to pay your salary? How will we eat? You see there is a problem with your way. Maybe that’s why you are not running this country. That’s Canada Mr. Ignatieff.

The coalition points to money that is being spent to buy the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet. I must tell you I have a little thing for The F-35 this is a truly wild machine. The JSF F-35 is a 5th generation stealth fighter that is as good air to air as it is air to ground, and is versatile enough to switch mid mission without landing and re-arming. It is meant to replace the 30 year old F 18 fighters we are currently using. We had 80 F 18’s however we have lost a few in recent years. These are the planes that are patrolling our air space. Air space that our planes needed to escort Russian spy planes out of a few years back. Canada is one of ten nations involved with this fighter program which by the way started in 1997 with production starting in 2006. The Conservatives where not elected until 2006. The other countries involved in this program would be, all of our allies. That includes The U.S and Britain. Britain by the why has the second most money into this program. They have two billion invested and are a level 1 partner, Italy has one billion invested and is a level 2 partner. Canada is a level 3 partner with 150 million invested. That investment allows Canadian companies to bid on High Tech contracts. So its kind of a investment in Canada too. We could have bought the Euro-fighter Typhoon, a 4th generation non stealth fighter jet we kicked tires on. They cost 90 million each, and we need 80 of them.

We may not have to spend so much on our defenses, if the last Liberal Government would have spent some smart money on defense. We really would be patrol our coasts in row boats, and our air space with hot air balloons if The Liberals have their way. Case in point the last Liberal Government bought four retired British submarines. You remember the HMCS Chicoutimi? Those four subs where docked for an inquiry into the fire that cost the life of Lieut. Chris Saunders. This left Canada without a sub for the first time since 1961. So when I say row boats, and hot air balloons I am only half joking. The plus side though, The New lib demi blocs can supply the fuel for the balloons. In case you haven’t noticed there is a lot of tension in some areas of the world. We now have some of those F- 18’s in Libya.

Maybe if Michael Igantieff had spent some more time here in Canada he would know we also have our brave men and women of our Armed Forces in Afghanistan. Maybe he would know we want them all back safe. If giving them the proper tools to do the job they are there to do. Then so be it. Maybe Mr. Igantieff if you where here in this country, and not south of the border with you lips stuck to the collective American rear end. You would have heard about our Highway of Heroes. I have stood in the winters cold, and in the summers heat to show my respect for the brave solider who isn’t going to ask for old age security. I am not afraid to tell you I have wiped my tiers every time.

So, what is really the problem here? Is it just that you really want to be The Prime Minister? How will that work? Will you share the seat? Or will you turn on each other? I thought it was the bleeding heart liberals always wanting to give out a helping hand? What’s your story Jack? You don’t support the worker, after they have retired? Let me just say one last thing. If this election goes on, and the Conservatives remind the Great people of this wonderful land, what was so horrible about this budget. If these people love their Grandparents and Parents as much as I do. That you have tried this before, and that you again made a deal with the Bloc to get your way. There could be a serious back lash. So much so it will have you seeing blue! Everywhere. I would think, if the majority of the population didn’t like the way things are going, I would have heard people talking about it. So Mr. Ignatieff when all is said and done. I will draw you a map to the closest U.S border crossing and Jack if the back lash hurts your party I am sure you can get a job working at the Shouldice Clinic. I hope that you will not be in need of retraining as you don’t want Canadians to have that available to them….. Good luck!! Let the mud fly…. And lets keep it to mud!

Thank - you, for your time. Robert England.

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